Steven van den Beld
Steven van den Beld (BeldArt) is a young Dutch artist who was born in 1997. From a young age he loved and wanted to create luxurious objects and art. In 2018 he moved to Amsterdam and from that moment he has always been surrounded by the different cultures, the chaotic canals and beautiful architecture in this inspiring and free city. Since then, he started to develop and create his own style: Artworks, made from con- temporary objects he saw everywhere around him in the city center of Amsterdam: fire extinguishers, skateboards, spraycans and surfboards. Steven combines objects with different kinds of paint, materials, bespoke brands and resin. All artworks are handmade, unique one of a kind and finished by hand with several layers of resin. By adding these layers, he is able to create innovative and unique mix-media art with a fantastic 3D effect.